(Inter)National conferences, workshops, and seminars
Talks prepended with a star * are invited talks.
- *Binomial^4: coefficients, equivalence, complexities, and beyond, Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days 2024, Université Côte d’Azur (Nice France), September 3, 2024. [Slides]
- *Parry’s 1960 theorem and some applications in combinatorics on words, Random Number Representations, Stochastic Processes, and Quantum Transport, Aalborg University (Denmark), May 20, 2024. [Slides]
- *Introduction to Walnut with Narad Rampersad, Research School in Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science at the Thematic Month « Discrete Mathematics & Computer Science; Groups, Dynamics, Complexity, Words », CIRM (Marseille, France), January 29 and February 2, 2024. [Material: Slides, Exercises, Solutions, and Instructions]
- Magic numbers in periodic sequences, WORDS 2023 (Umeå, Sweden), June 12, 2023. [Slides]
- *Binomial^3: coefficients, equivalence, and complexities, JCB 2023, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), January 31, 2023. [Slides]
- Binomial complexities and Parikh-collinear morphisms, DLT 2022, University of South Florida (Tampa , USA), May 9, 2022. [Slides]
- Automatic sequences in rational base numeration systems (and even more), Discrete math. seminar, University of Liège (Belgium), March 31, 2021. [Slides]
- Avoiding fractional powers on the alphabet N, Virtual New York Combinatorics Seminar, CUNY Graduate Center (New York, USA), March 27, 2020. [Slides]
- *Nyldon words, AMS Special Session on Sequences, Words and Automata at Joint Mathematics Meetings 2020 (JM2020), Denver Convention Center (Colorado, USA), January 15, 2020. [Slides]
- A way to extend Pascal’s triangle to words, Hofstra Math. Seminar, Hofstra University, Hempstead (New York, USA), November 6, 2019. [Slides]
- Extensions of the Pascal to words, Most Informal Probability Seminar, Leiden University (The Netherlands), May 28, 2019. [Slides]
- The formal inverse of the period-doubling word, Discrete math. seminar, University of Liège (Belgium), March 12, 2019. [Slides]
- A way to extend the Pascal triangle to words, IRIF Automata seminar, Université de Paris-Diderot (France), November 16, 2018. [Slides]
- *A way of extending Pascal and Sierpiński triangles to finite words, Young Mathematicians Symposium of the Greater Region, Université de Lorraine (Nancy, France), September 24, 2018. [Slides]
- Some generalizations of the Pascal triangle: base 2 and beyond, LaCIM seminar, Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada), April 27, 2018. [Slides]
- Pascal-like triangles: base 2 and beyond, Math & Stat Department seminar, University of Winnipeg (Canada), March 16, 2018. [Slides]
- Une extension des triangles de Pascal et de Sierpinski aux mots finis, LaBRI seminar, LaBRI (Bordeaux, France), December 15, 2017 (in French). [Slides]
- *Triangles de Pascal et de Sierpinski étendus aux coefficients binomiaux de mots, Charles Hermite Day, IECL and LORIA (Nancy, France), November 29, 2017 (in French). [Slides]
- *Generalized Pascal triangles for binomial coefficients of finite words, Aperiodic Patterns in Crystals, Numbers and Symbols, Lorentz Center (Leiden, The Netherlands), June 19, 2017. [Slides]
- Generalized Pascal triangles for binomial coefficients of finite words, Computability in Europe (CiE), University of Turku (Finland), June 16, 2017. [Slides]
- Pascal triangles and associates, Comprehensible seminar, University of Liège (Belgium), April 19, 2017 (in French). [Slides]
- Des triangles de Pascal aux coefficients binomiaux de mots finis, Young Researchers’ Winter School in Mathematical Computer Science (EJCIM) 2017, University of Lyon (France), January 23, 2017 (in French). [Slides]
- Generalized Pascal triangles for binomial coefficients of words: a short introduction, Sage Days 82 : Women in Sage, Ris-Orangis (Paris, France), January 9, 2017. [Slides]
- Mathematical Foundations of Automata Theory (J.-É. Pin): Chapter 8: Equations and languages, Reading group, University of Liège (Belgium), December 16, 2016 (in French). [Slides]
- Generalized Pascal triangle for binomial coefficients of words: an overview, 16th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days (TCS) 2016, University of Liège (Belgique), September 7, 2016. [Slides]
- Une généralisation du triangle de Pascal et la suite A007306, Comprehensible seminar, University de Liège (Belgium), March 25, 2016 (in French). [Slides]
- Une généralisation du triangle de Pascal, Discrete math. seminar, University of Liège (Belgium), March 22, 2016 (in French). [Slides]
- Substitutions in dynamics, arithmetics, and combinatorics (Pytheas Fogg N.): Chapter 2: Substitutions, arithmetic and finite automata: an introduction, Reading Group, University of Liège (Belgium), February 23, 2015. [Slides]
- Generalized Pascal triangles and binomial coefficients of words, Combinatorics, Automata and Number Theory (CANT) 2016, CIRM (Marseille, France), December 1, 2016. [Poster]
- Generalized Pascal triangle for binomial coefficients of finite words, Young Researchers’ Spring School in Mathematical Computer Science (EJCIM) 2016, University of Strasbourg (France), April 5, 2016. [Poster]