Most of my work can be found on my ORBi page or on the arXiv.
Peer-reviewed journals
- E. Rowland, M. S., R. Yassawi, Algebraic power series and their automatic complexity I: finite fields, accepted in Finite Fields Appl.
arXiv:2308.10977, ORBi - J.-P. Allouche, J. Shallit, M. S., Combinatorics on words and generating Dirichlet series of automatic sequences, accepted in Discrete Math.
arXiv:2401.13524, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., M. Whiteland, Automatic abelian complexities of Parikh-Collinear fixed points, Theory Comput. Syst. 68 (2024) no. 6, 1622-1639
arxiv:2405.18032, ORBi - F. Gheeraert, G. Romana, M. S., String attractors of some simple-Parry automatic sequences, Theory Comput. Syst. (2024), no. 6, 1601-1621
ORBi - J. Cassaigne, F. Gheeraert, A. Restivo, G. Romana, M. Sciortino, M.S., New string attractor-based complexities on infinite words, J. Combin. Theory. Ser. A. 208 (2024), 105936
ORBi - J.-P. Allouche, M. S., Summing the sum of digits, Commun. Math. 33 (2025) no. 2 (Special issue: Numeration, Liège 2023, dedicated to the 75th birthday of professor Christiane Frougny), Paper no. 2., 11 pp, available online here
arXiv:2311.16806, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., M. Whiteland, Characterizations of families of morphisms and words via binomial complexities, European J. Comb. 118 (2024), 103932, available online here
arXiv:2201.04603, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., M. Whiteland, On extended boundary sequences of morphic and Sturmian words, Electron. J. Combin. 31 (2024) no. 1, Paper 1.9, 42 pp, available online here
arXiv:2206.15319 - P. Mathonet, M. Rigo, M. S., N. Zénaïdi, On digital sequences associated with Pascal’s triangle, Aequationes Math. 97 (2023), 391—423, available online here
arXiv:2201.06636, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., Automatic sequences: from rational bases to trees, Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 24 (2022), Paper 25
arXiv:2102.10828, ORBi - M. Jahannia, M. Mohammad-noori, N. Rampersad, M. S., Closed Ziv–Lempel factorizations of the m-bonacci words, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 918 (2022), 32—47
arXiv:2106.03202, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., Revisiting regular sequences in light of rational base numeration systems, Discrete Math. 345 (2022), 112735
arXiv:2103.16966, ORBi - É. Charlier, C. Cisternino, M. S., Regular sequences and synchronized sequences in abstract numeration systems. European J. Comb. 101 (2022), 103475
arXiv:2012.04969, ORBi - É. Charlier, C. Cisternino, M. S., Robustness of Pisot-regular sequences, Adv. Appl. Math. 125 (2021), 102151
arXiv:2006.11126, ORBi - E. Rowland, M. S., Avoiding 5/4-powers on the alphabet of nonnegative integers, Electron. J. Combin. 27 (2020) no. 3, Paper 3.42, 39 pp
Mathematica notebook, arXiv:2005.03158, ORBi - L. Mol, J. Shallit, N. Rampersad, M. S., Cobham’s theorem and automaticity, Internat. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 30 (2019), 1363—1379
arXiv:1809.00679, ORBi - M. Jahannia, M. Mohammad-noori, N. Rampersad, M. S., Palindromic Ziv–Lempel and Crochemore factorizations of m-bonacci infinite words, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 790 (2019), 16—40
arXiv:1905.01340, ORBi - É. Charlier, M. Philibert, M. S., Nyldon words, J. Combin. Theory. Ser. A. 167 (2019), 60—90
arXiv:1804.09735, ORBi - M. S., Convergence of Pascal-like triangles in Parry–Bertrand numeration systems, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 758 (2019), 42—60
arXiv:1801.03287, ORBi - N. Rampersad, M. S., The formal inverse of the period-doubling sequence, J. Integer Seq. 21 (2018), Article 18.9.1, 22 pp
arXiv:1807.11899, ORBi - J. Leroy, M. Rigo, M. S., Counting subword occurrences in base-b Expansions, Integers 18A (2018), Paper no. A13, 32 pp
arXiv:1705.10065, ORBi - J. Leroy, M. Rigo, M. S., Behavior of digital sequences through exotic numeration systems, Electron. J. Combin. 24 (2017) no. 1, Paper 1.44, 36 pp
arXiv:1705.08322, ORBi - J. Leroy, M. Rigo, M. S., Counting the number of non-zero coefficients in rows of generalized Pascal triangles, Discrete Math. 340 (2017), 862—881
arXiv:1705.08343, ORBi - J. Leroy, M. Rigo, M. S., Generalized Pascal triangle for binomial coefficients of words, Adv. Appl. Math. 80 (2016), 24—27
arXiv:1705.08270, ORBi
Selective conferences
- P. Popoli, J. Shallit, M.S., Additive word complexity and Walnut, 44th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS 2024), Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 323 (2024), pp. 32:1-32:18
arXiv:2410.02409, ORBi - P. Popoli, M.S., On the pseudorandomness of Parry-Bertrand automatic sequences, 25th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, Torino, Italy, 2024
arXiv:2408.14059, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., M. Whiteland, Gapped binomial complexities in sequences, 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Tapai, Taiwan, 2023, 1294—1299
ORBi - F. Gheeraert, G. Romana, M. S., String attractors of fixed points of k-bonacci-like morphisms, 14th International Conference on WORDS 2023, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 13899 (2023), 192—205
arXiv:2302.13647, ORBi - S. Kreczman, L. Prigioniero, E. Rowland, M. S., Magic numbers in periodic sequences, 14th International Conference on WORDS 2023, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 13899 (2023), 206—219
arXiv:2304.03268, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., M. Whiteland, Automaticity and Parikh-collinear morphisms, 14th International Conference on WORDS 2023, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 13899 (2023), 247—260
ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S. M. A. Whiteland, On extended boundary sequences of morphic and Sturmian words, International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), Leibniz Int. Proc. Inform. 231 (2022), Paper 79
arXiv:2206.15319, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., M. A. Whiteland, Binomial complexities of Parikh-Collinear Morphisms, Developments in Language Theory, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 13257 (2022), 251—262
arXiv:2201.04603, ORBi - É. Charlier, C. Cisternino, M. S., A full characterization of Bertrand numeration systems, Developments in Language Theory, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 13257 (2022), 102—114
arXiv:2202.04938, ORBi - E. Rowland, M. S., Avoiding 5/4-powers on the alphabet of nonnegative integers (extended abstract), Developments in Language Theory, Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. 12086 (2020), 280—293
arXiv:2005.03158, ORBi
In-progress and submitted work
- J.-P. Allouche, J. Campbell, S. Li, J. Shallit, M. S., The reflection complexity of sequences over finite alphabets, submitted
arXiv:2406.09302, ORBi - M. Rigo, M. S., M. Whiteland, A note on aperiodic words sharing binomial complexities with the Thue-Morse word, submitted
- S. Kreczman, S. Labbé, M. Stipulanti, A succinct study of positionality for Dumont–Thomas numeration systems, submitted
- S. Kreczman, S. Labbé, M. S., Positionality of Dumont–Thomas numeration systems for integers, in progress
arXiv:2503.04487 - J.-M. Couvreur, M. Delacourt, N. Ollinger, P. Popoli, J. Shallit, M. S., Effective computation of generalized abelian complexity for Pisot type substitutive sequences, in progress
- J.-P. Allouche, M. S., J.-Y. Yao, Doubling modulo odd integers, generalizations, and unexpected occurrences, in progress
- M. Jahannia, M. S., Exploring the Crochemore and Ziv-Lempel factorizations of some automatic sequences with the software Walnut, in progress
Extensions of the Pascal triangle to words, and related counting problems, PhD thesis, ULiège (Belgium). Under the supervision of É. Charlier and M. Rigo. Thesis defended on April 2, 2019
Asymptotic behavior of morphisms and Cobham’s theorem for erasing morphisms, Master’s thesis, ULiège (Belgium), June 2015 (in French). Under the supervision of É. Charlier and M. Rigo